红豆上海月饼Shanghai Mooncake with Red Bean Paste

  • Prep Time
    40 Mins
  • Cook Time
    35 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    将糖粉、三分之二的面粉、水与一半猪油混合,揉成光滑的面团,静置约30分钟。Mix two thirds of the flour with the confectioner’s sugar, water and half of the lard. Knead into a smooth dough, set aside and let rest for approx. 30 min.

    Step 2

    与此同时,将剩余面粉与猪油在另一只碗中混合,并揉成光滑的面团,静置约30分钟。Meanwhile, mix the remaining flour and lard in a separate bowl. Knead into a smooth dough, set aside and also let rest for approx. 30 min.

    Step 3

    将烤箱预热至180摄氏度。将两块面团分别揉成两指粗的长条状,将第一条面团切成核桃大小的均等小块。将第二条面团切成与第一条数量相同的均等小块。用手掌分别将每块小面团揉搓成圆形,注意将两种小面团分开放置。Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F. Roll each dough into a long strip approx. thumb thick. Cut first dough into equal portions approx. finger-width in length. Separate second dough into an equal number of portions. Roll each portion into a ball in the palm of your hand, keeping the two doughs separate.

    Step 4

    将稍大的小面团用手捏扁,包入略小的面团。Flatten the balls from the first dough in your hand until they fit around the balls from the second dough. Wrap the flattened discs around the balls firmly.

    Step 5

    用擀面杖将包好的面团擀成椭圆形面饼,然后用手从下至上卷起面饼。Using a rolling pin, flatten each portion into a thin oblong disc. Roll up each disc with your hands.

    Step 6

    将面卷旋转90度,平放在砧板上。用擀面杖再次擀成椭圆形面饼,然后用手卷起。Turn rolls by 90° and roll out each one into another oblong disc. Roll these discs up again.

    Step 7

    用手指从面卷中间按压,然后将面卷两端向中间盘起,用手掌揉搓成圆形。将圆形小面团用擀面杖擀成圆形薄饼。Make an indentation in the center of each roll with your finger. Wrap the dough into a circle with the indentation at its center. Shape into a smooth ball and roll this ball into a thin, round disc.

    Step 8

    将1茶匙红豆沙放在面饼中心,用面饼包住馅料并捏紧,接缝向下放在砧板上。Place a spoonful of red bean paste at the center of each disc. Pleat the edges of the dough around the paste and squeeze closed. Place seam side down.

    Step 9

    用双手在砧板上轻轻转动包好馅料的面团,使其表面光滑并接近圆形。Gently turn mooncakes in the palms of your hands, giving them a round and smooth surface.

    Step 10

    将其放入铺有烘焙纸的烤盘中,接缝向下。将蛋黄液刷在月饼上,撒上一撮黑芝麻。用180摄氏度烤制35-45分钟,至月饼呈金黄色。Place on a lined baking sheet seam side down. Brush mooncakes with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at 180°C/350°F for approx. 35 - 45 min. until golden.
